
your sense of place

Photo © Keith Williams
Photo © Dick Blaine, CBRP

Massive Data Upload for California

Since May, an epic data acquisition has been quietly taking shape. The California Bluebird Recovery Program (CBRP) reached out to NestWatch regarding a six-year data set that was collected from 2006–2011 involving two dozen species. Together, we have been working to prepare the data for upload using NestWatch’s bulk import tool. This acquisition of 17,914 nest records increases the number of California records by 200 percent!

Dick Blaine, director of CBRP, said, “I am very pleased that data from the California Bluebird Recovery Program has been included in the NestWatch database and hope that it will be useful in the future for scientific research. I want to thank the NestWatch program for making the bulk upload tool available.”

This acquisition brings the total number of bulk-imported nest records to 21,683 so far this year, with approximately 2,000 more nest records in the works (also from California). We are very excited about the partnership with CBRP and encourage California residents interested in joining CBRP to contact their county coordinator.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology