Search Results for: managing invasive species

  • What should I do if another bird interferes with a nest I’m watching?

    If another bird takes over the nest, while the original birds had eggs or young in the nest, there is a special way to report this to NestWatch:

    Summarize the original bird’s nest and choose the outcome “Failure due to takeover…

  • A male House Sparrow looks out of his nest box.
    How Are People Managing Invasive Birds At Nest Boxes?

    A new study from NestWatch investigated how many people had experience with non-native birds in their nest boxes. The study explored peoples’ knowledge of House Sparrows and European Starlings, and their attitudes towards managing them, especially if people encountered these non-native birds in their monitored nest boxes.

  • a male house sparrow perched at the entrance of a nest box with a nestling reaching its head out of the entrance hole
    Managing House Sparrows and European Starlings

    Please note that the methods described below are only for controlling House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), which are not protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and that it is illegal to harm or harass any…

  • All About Birdhouses

    For many species of birds, there is a shortage of great places to nest. There may be birds that would love to call your habitat home, but they have a specific nesting requirement which needs to be met. Birdhouses can…