Browse our newsletter archives
- New California Chapter
Welcome to our newest chapter, Wintu Audubon Society, of Redding, California!
- NestWatching for the Outdoor Classroom
Check out this video to learn how your family or class can get involved in NestWatch!
- NestWatchers Inform Study On Nutrition
Learn how climate change, omega-3s, and insects are affecting birds during the breeding season in our latest blog post.
- Nest Quest Go! Corvids
Crow, jay, raven and magpie cards are ready for transcription!
- Nest Parasites and Purple Martins
In this month’s blog post, we share some new research concerning Purple Martins and parasite-reduction tactics.
- Nest Box Plan Upgrade
We’ve recently updated the nest box plan for five species that can use the same size box.
- Mountain Bluebird Status Update
A recent virtual conference provided insights into population trends for this charismatic bird.
- More Historical Data Uploaded
We continue our mission of archiving historical nesting records by adding 3 new species.
- More Historical Data Uploaded
This month we’ve added 19,231 nest records to the NestWatch database, thanks to Nest Quest Go!