
Browse our newsletter archives

  • An American Dipper with a beak full of insects
    Mobile App Update

    The newest version includes bug fixes, improved offline experience, and the ability to sort nests alphabetically.

  • an eastern bluebird nest with two recently hatched young and three unhatched eggs.
    Mississippi Data Boost

    Kudos to Kristina Mitchell for submitting nests for a bulk upload this month!

  • Mary Geis (left) and Lou Ann Harris banding bluebird chicks
    Meet Mary Geis

    Read the inspiring life story of a woman who spent 30 years gathering nesting data in Montana.

  • an adult Tree Swallow hovers in front of a fledgling, with food in its beak
    Mass Data Upload

    Thanks goes to Mass Audubon’s Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary!

  • three screenshots of the app, highlighting the new update
    Major Mobile App Update

    The newest version of the NestWatch app works faster and smoother than ever.

  • Mary Geis (left) and Lou Ann Harris banding bluebird chicks
    Longtime Contributors, New Chapter

    This month we welcomed the Sacajawea Audubon Society, from Bozeman, MT, as our newest NestWatch Chapter.

  • two men check a Purple Martin nest gourd
    Lakeside Living

    This month we processed a bulk uploaded from the Leaser Lake Heritage Foundation.

  • pair of bluebirds atop a nest box, with a juvenile bird perched at the entrance with food in its mouth, as if to feed the chicks within
    Juvenile “Helpers” at the Nest

    NestWatchers contributed to knowledge about the uncommon “helping” behavior in Eastern Bluebirds.

  • indigo bunting with wings outstretched about to take flight
    June Workshop

    NestWatch staff will be travelling to a conference at the end of June. Perhaps we’ll see you there!