Steve Stell
Doswell, VA, United States
The nest site was on the ground within a hollow at the base of a large (living) red oak tree. This oak was located in deep mature woods at the edge of a sharp drop/cliff along a small river. The ‘nest’ contained no nesting material. This photo,taken on April 15, 2015, shows the first of two eggs (approximately 3.5-4 inches long; note the size of oak leaves in the photo). I carefully revisited the nest on June 29, 2015 and there were two chicken-sized black vulture chicks with dirty white down feathers. I could smell the stench of the nest site about 75 feet away from the nest. The adults were not present during either visit.
Very nice!
It’s very nice, alright! What are the odds of finding such a nest, and then later getting to see the baby vultures! Uh, not that I need to, but I’m glad somebody did!
Great photo! You’re very lucky to find a nest like that!