Mike Anderson
Bonaventure Island, Percé, QC, Canada
In June 2008 I was in a wood-framed blind photographing Northern Gannets as hundreds of them flew to and from their nests on the ground. On several occasions I spotted one bird that flew up over my end of the blind but did not show up on the other side. I went out to investigate, climbed a tree next to the blind, and found this pair building a nest on the blind’s slate roof. Although my position was very awkward for holding my camera, I got several nice shots, including this one of the pair working together to build their nest.
Very nice image!
May I please have permission to reproduce this photo on a foam board poster for use in our prenatal “preparing the nest” class for Hispanic two parent families expecting their first child? Our nonprofit, Literacy, Language & Cultural Centers (LiLaC), Inc. is providing this class.
Thank you.
Connie – I sent you an email. ~ Chelsea Benson, NestWatch