
your sense of place

Photo © Keith Williams
Photo © Sara Gillespie

New Archive Tool

Now your spring cleanup can include your nest map, too! We are pleased to announce that now you can archive records of old nests that no longer need to appear on your nest map. Use this tool to hide your data on one-time nests that were never reused, like an American Robin nest on your porch light. You can also archive old nest-box sites that no longer exist, such as a box that was removed or was in a tree that fell down.

The archive tool is intended to hide sites that you no longer need to manage, but the data associated with them remain in our database (and available for download). Archiving is easy and reversible. To try it, click on your “Manage Location” button and choose “Archive Nest.” Accidentally archive the wrong nest? Just re-activate it.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology