
your sense of place

Photo © Keith Williams
Photo © John Higgins

Updates To Personal Nesting Reports

We’ve recently updated your personal data reports to include more helpful information. These updates affect the “Species Summary” report type available at the bottom of the “Your Data” dashboard. Use this downloadable report to keep tabs on key metrics for all of your species by year, and/or by group. Now, when you download your Species Summary reports, an additional five fields will be calculated: earliest hatch date, earliest fledge date, mean clutch size, mean nestlings, and mean fledglings.

Here are just a few of the ways you can use these reports:

1.) Compare mean fledglings from year to year

2.) Compare mean fledglings from site to site

3.) Predict when you might expect to see the first eggs, nestlings, or fledglings of a species

4.) Check if your nesting success rate is higher or lower than you expected

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology