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Burlington, VT, USA


On April 21 the BC Chickadee started building a nest in the Bluebird box. I keep looking but only see lots of nesting material. My husband says he sees an eye/eyes. Look where the piece of straw is hanging down on the right as you look at the pics. Do I have hatchlings? I read chickadees “cover up” the hatchlings when leaving the nest to protect them from predators and to keep the eggs from cooling off.


Nests in boxes

Black Capped Chickadee?

BC Chickadee hatchling? 5-7-23

3 responses to “Black Capped Chickadee?”

  1. Texas Bird Family says:

    Yes, that’s a chickadee nest. Sadly, I cannot see the babies in the photo. Where actually are they?

  2. Stephen Fournet says:

    I Agree. Chickadee’s LOVE that green moss in south Louisiana as well.

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