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Shirley Lowery

Dedham, Maine, USA

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Eastern Phoebe Nest

3 responses to “Eastern Phoebe Nest”

  1. Shirl Lowe says:

    New Phoebe nest mid-may.
    (I had written a detailed description of placement, timing, etc but when I hit submit I needed to still select that it was a photograph and everything I wrote and all other fields of the submission were wiped out! why?)

  2. Susie says:

    Love your Eastern Phoebe nest photo. Eastern Phoebes built a nest on a shelf above (and to the side of) my front door in April. I reduced my use of that door, but they seemed to have abandoned it before it was finished. A couple of weeks ago, either the same phoebes came back or another pair began using the nest. Sometimes, when I slowly open my door, a Phoebe swoops from the nest to a Beach Plum bush, a Cape Rosier willow, or a clothesline, patiently waiting for me to go back inside. Meanwhile, the Phoebe’s partner calls from further away, in the oaks, which are crawling with the delicious, nutritious (for birds) caterpillars described by Doug Tallamy.

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