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Mia, John, Abby, Johny C

Villages Of Bear Creek, TX, USA


Mrs. Finch on a hummingbird feeder



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Finch Or Hummingbird?

Finch or Hummingbird?

6 responses to “Finch or Hummingbird?”

  1. Ava Johnson says:

    Definitely a finch.
    I just looked it up and apparently finches will sometimes drink sugar water.

  2. Texas Bird Family says:

    I know that she’s a House Finch. She wasn’t drinking the sugar water. She was eating Audubon Park mealworm suet. The Mockingbirds love mealworm suet. She was just sitting on the Hummingbird feeder. Her beak is much too big to drink for the hummingbird feeder.

  3. Ava Johnson says:

    oh, ok😅

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