These articles will get you started on your way towards being a NestWatcher!
Information about birds and their nesting habits!
Find a nest? Want to know who you might find living in your area? Find out here!
Do you want to build a nest box or have one already? Find plans and helpful tips!
Lynn Plizga
Allison Park
I’m guessing this nest is from last year. Was in the center of my yard. Fascinating how birds recycle our garbage.
Not sure what type of nest this is. Great bird neighbors. They use recycled materials for their nest.
Looks like it could be a Chipping Sparrow nest, but hard to say out of context. I would agree it’s from last year, as it’s still a bit early for them to be nesting in PA.
How big is the nest? It looks small by the paper towel.
Very small. I thought it might be a hummingbird nest because of the size. But didn’t think that was hummingbird material.
It’s not the right shape or size for a hummingbird nest. Those are small in diameter, and deep for their size. You can compare here:
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Looks like it could be a Chipping Sparrow nest, but hard to say out of context. I would agree it’s from last year, as it’s still a bit early for them to be nesting in PA.
How big is the nest? It looks small by the paper towel.
Very small. I thought it might be a hummingbird nest because of the size. But didn’t think that was hummingbird material.
It’s not the right shape or size for a hummingbird nest. Those are small in diameter, and deep for their size. You can compare here: