Burlington, VT, USA
The blurry photo I think is a hawk…one has been hanging around. The smaller bird was in the Maple tree this morning up pretty high…it was still kind of dark out. My husband says it’s a mourning dove…I don’t think so.
Any ideas?
The first photo looks like an Osprey and the second picture is a Mourning Dove.
Could be ~ thanks!
Mourning dove on the second picture,I don’t think that’s a osprey,most likely a coopers,sharp-shinned,broad-winged or a red-tailed hawk.
I’m not sure about the first photo but the second photo looks like a Mourning dove.
I don’t know what the first photo is either…but something much larger than your average songbird has been hanging around. when I get a decent photo I will post it.
What color was the bird in the first photo? It looks like an osprey to me.
Think it was grayish.
Definitely an Osprey and a Mourning Dove.
How do you know it’s an Osprey?
Based on the photo, the bird is gray with a white head and gray mask, Definitely an osprey.
Most hawks are brown, I don’t know of any hawk that has a white face with gray on it. This is 100% an osprey
How close are you to Lake Champlain,If your 2 miles from the lake,it’s most likely a hawk,If you lived 1 mile from the shore(or where you took this photo)It could be osprey.Like how close did you take your picture from Lake Champlain,Because ospreys love fish.
Lake Champlain is a five minute walk from my house. I took the photo in my front yard ~ in the top of the Maple tree.
I agree