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Submitted By

Brian Naftal

Largo, MD, USA


While checking these two Eastern Bluebird nesting boxes, saw these two nests. One naturalist said they were wren nests, but based on other sources, they appear to be mice nests! Need to know which way they are!


Unusual nests

Mice In Eastern Bluebird Nest Boxes

The first box.

One response to “Mice in Eastern Bluebird Nest Boxes”

  1. Robyn Bailey says:

    They do look kind of like rodent nests to me, possibly red squirrel or mouse. The skeletonized leaves and variety of materials do resemble nests of Carolina Wrens, though, so I can see that being a possibility. But my Carolina Wrens always dome over the top of their nest, and I’m not seeing that here. My overall feeling is rodent, but obviously wait and see if any eggs arrive before removing it.

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