Fiona Walsh Ellis
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
A pair of very attentive mourning doves choose our window box for their nest! We lovingly continue to observe them, being careful not to go out unless it’s to water our plants. It’s well sheltered from the sun & wind, however perhaps a little exposed to bird predators. Have made our silent presence know when a crow attempted an egg theft one morning ??
Doves have also built a nest and laid eggs in my window box on my shed. I fear predators will harm them. We’ve had many racoons chewing our neighborhood roofs recently. Can I do anything to protect them?
Thank you.
Hi Mary Anne, There’s unfortunately not a lot that can be done to protect open-cup nests; be sure to follow the advice in our Code of Conduct when you’re visiting the nest to help reduce the chances that it will get noticed by predators.