Zachary Delmore
1736 West Big Intervale Road, Margaree Valley, NS, Canada
This is from the Margaree Valley Maple strawberry fields. I have not seen the nest yet, but they are looking for ID. The nest looks like it is on the ground.
Possible IDs:
House Sparrow
Lincoln’s Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Brown-headed Cowbird (rare in this area)
Ok, the nest appears to be in a strawberry patch/bed.
Checked eBird.
House Finch-no
Lincoln’s Sparrow-maybe
Savannah Sparrow-no
Song Sparrow-no
Fox Sparrow-no
The eggs look kind of like mockingbird eggs.
The nest is in the strawberry field.
The Northern Mockingbird though does not nest on the ground and have a brighter blue colour. I have checked in previous NestWatch observations for ID.
eBird also doesn’t have nest/egg ID.
Also, Savannah and Lincoln’s Sparrows are quite rare here.
eBird does have photos of bird nests and eggs which is how I gave what I thought.
There is two different kinds of eggs. Only cowbirds and cuckoos do that.
Cowbird and mockingbird.