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Submitted By

David Campbell

Azusa, CA, USA


This is a picture from 11/21 which is the first time we saw the eagle in the nest. I may estimate this to be the date that the egg was laid. We shall see, because there’s no safe way to view the contents of the nest. I do not think it would be wise, or legal to bring a drone to the site. It’s not necessary, the activity of feeding the hatchlings is pretty obvious. We have been observing these same for a couple of years of successful rearing, but never with ebird or nestwatch. Very grateful for these programs and instructions.


Open cup nests


Nestling Eagle

The angle is poor, but I am concealed by a bush that is next to the road. All you can see if the head of the eagle outside the large nest. You cannot see the body of the eagle. The tree is downhill about 30 or 40 feet and the tree is about 10 feet above my altitude. So the bush along the road is at my altitude and blocks the view of the tree. Again, I am trying no to disturb the bird. My first picture of the nest has more of the height of the tree in the picture. but with the eagle in the nest for the first time, I wanted to be extra careful.

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