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Christina Wiler

Fort Wayne, IN, United States


Mama Robin thought it would be a good idea to build her home on the top of a ladder leaning against our house.


Open cup nests


On Top Of Ol’ Ladder! All Cover With Nest. :)

5/18/2014 - This is the day I first noticed the nest. It's still pretty chilly here so I'm not coming outside and wandering around much yet. But it couldn't have been here for long. Sorry it's sideways....I couldn't find a way to turn it.

3 responses to “On top of ol’ ladder! All cover with nest. :)”

  1. Valentina says:

    Your mama Robin and mine have the same egg laying date in common! It seems May 28th was a good day for Robins to lay their eggs. <3 The one I'm watching decided to build her nest on top of an air conditioner while my neighbor, a college student, was gone for a few weeks after graduation. When she came home, she, too, decided to watch the Robin. We love our birds! Here's to hoping all the nesting attempts will be successful ones.

  2. Jbaudin says:

    Well, no spring cleaning without your ladder! Ha.

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