Kylie Beevers
Alpena, MI, USA
I took this wonderful picture a year ago and wanted to ask for recommendations for Hummingbird feeders with the hummingbird season coming just around the corner. Right now I have two glass red feeders and one plastic orange one. The red feeders work well but small flies and other insects get in the sugar – water mix regularly. I know that these birds are attracted to the color red and yet my orange feeder worked better for both the birds and keeping out pesky pests like wasps. I could just lower down the sugar rationing in the water but if you have any tricks or recommendations I would be greatly obliged. Thanks.
Species: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Hello, Kylie. I LOVE hummingbirds, and you are right, their migration has started, so now is the ideal time to be putting out your hummingbird feeders.
As you mentioned, hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, but orange, yellow, and pink will suffice as well. However, insects like bees, wasps, and ants, who will try to steal the sugar-water from feeders, are colorblind to red, so it is an overall better choice if you want less bugs. For this reason, I’m surprised you had less bugs on your orange hummingbird feeder.
You can try getting different feeders with smaller holes or adding nectar guards to your current feeders if bees/wasps are a problem. If ants are a problem, you definitely want an ant moat.
Smaller holes allow access to hummingbirds but prevent bugs from crawling inside.
Also, tube feeders are more likely to draw insects because they leak, so I recommend dish/saucer feeders. (I know from experience that tube feeders leak.)
You should hang your feeders in the shade because this will help the nectar last a little longer.
Do not hang them near beehives, anthills, or places where predators (such as cats) frequent.
Preferably, hang them near flowers, shrubs, and trees. The flowers will provide an extra source of food, the trees will provide nesting places, and the shrubs will provide cover.
Basically, the best hummingbird feeders are red dish/saucer feeders with tiny openings or bee guards, ant moats, perches, and multiple ports.
The best place to put hummingbird feeders is in a shaded area away from predators and pests, preferably near flowers, shrubs, and trees.
I own an Aspects Hummzinger, and have found it to be a very useful and decent feeder. If you’re planning to get new hummingbird feeders, here is a link to one for sale at Amazon. It is of a different and less expensive brand, but of the same model as the Aspects Hummzinger Hummingbird Feeder.
Thank you so much for answering my post! Your reply was very helpful! I will defiantly look into that feeder.
Thank you so much! Your reply to my post was very helpful! I will definitely look into that dish feeder.
No problem.
It was my pleasure. Really. I love sharing bird facts and tips with others.
Also, that’s a beautiful photo.
Thank you. I’m hoping to take a better shot this year, possibly a male ruby throat.
Good luck! If you do, be sure to show us!!! I cannot wait until the hummingbirds come to our parts!!!!!!
Do Hummingbird Feeders Attract Bees? Yes, because when the bees find a food source, they get in, the hummingbird likely won’t eat there and it will look for another food source. This is why we have to keep bees away from hummingbird feeding places. Some ways to keep bees away from hummingbird feeding places are: Using a red feeder for hummingbird food will attract more hummingbirds while discouraging bees. Use a dish-shaped hummingbird feeder for the hummingbird’s long beak. Or use nectar protection tips, preventing bees and other sweet-loving insects from accessing the nectar.
As someone who enjoys watching birds a lot more than watching bees, I don’t want bees to get to the hummingbird feeders I put out. This is why I devised ways to keep bees away from my hummingbird feeders.