Hanging out with my brother, he’s still an egg.

Newly hatched Least Tern chick keeps his brother warm while his mother keeps a watchful eye on the surroundings.

Happy Family

This happy family of Least Terns is nesting on the beach in NJ this summer.


For the past couple of years least terns have returned to beautiful Belmar New Jersey to breed and raise their young. In addition, American oyster catchers and black skimmers have also shown up. Let’s hope this is a banner year.


The least tern sits on a simple nest made of only a depression in the sand. Her spelled eggs are almost perfectly camouflaged

A Family Affair

Feeding time for this Least Tern family. Both parents participate in feeding the young and I had the pleasure of watching this young one swallow this fish whole.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology