Benbow Bald Eagle Nest
Benbow Bald Eagle’s Nest – Two adult Bald Eagles in the nest just days after one Eaglet hatched. If you look real close you can just see the very top of it’s fuzzy gray head, in between the Eagles. I watched this nest from February until July, hiking up once a week. These photos were taken at great distance, across a river, using a camera and a spotting scope, as the nest is barely visable to the human eye. We are thrilled to have a successful mating pair of Bald Eagles in our small river community.
Benbow Bald Eagle Nest
Benbow CA Bald Eagle’s Nest – I watched this nest from a great distance across the river all through the season. I hiked up 26 times between February and July – through fixing up the nest, incubating, hatching and fledging of one baby Bald Eaglet. I spent about 100 hours watching. The nest was so far away I had a spotting scope set up next to my camera so I could see what I was photographing, and used a shutter release cable. We brought two groups of school children up to watch and experience the nest. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
Soaking up the Sun
An eagle pair has nested near our property in Central Illinois since 2010. Each year the nest does get larger! This year two eaglets hatched, and my best guess about the pose of the adult eagle in this photo is that it was either soaking up some morning sunshine or shielding the young eaglets from the bright sun.
One Day We’ll Be Giants
One day old Bald Eagle eaglet from 2014 nest. This Bald Eagle’s nest is built in a tree that jets out of a cliff. Hiking up the other side very carefully, I am able to see inside the nest. This is the nineth year the Bald Eagles have nested here and the second year I have watched the nest.
Core Creek eaglet
Young eaglet in a nest on a lake in Bucks county, PA
Leaving the nest after feeding
Bald Eagle Nest
Bald Eagle Nest on River Road near the Mississippi River in Baton Rouge, LA
Life is Good
This adult pair of Bald Eagles have been in this area for longer then 18 yrs. and usually raise 2 Eaglets.
Parent visit
Parent stopped for a visit
Bald Eagle nest
Parent feeding juvenile on nest.
Dropping Off Supper
This adult eagle had just dropped a fish into the nest, then landed above it to see if the eaglets would feed themselves.
Eagle Nest
Tucked away deep in the woods along a creek found this eagle nest .
Dinner time
parent bringing in a fish for dinner. I think they had a snack on the way in
Bald Eagle Family
The eaglets are getting pretty big now and most of the time a parent drops a fish and they feed themselves. Fun to see the parent still feeding them
Bald Eagle Family
I have been so lucky to follow this Bald Eagle family, 3 healthy eaglets! What wonderful parents they have. They just brought in a fish and are feeding the eaglets.
Early morning fog
Female Bald Eagle watching over the nest in the fog on a early morning in April.