Red-necked Grebes Reinforcing Their Nest

This pair of grebes were building up their nest in the harbour.

Red-necked Grebe

My boyfriend and I went to Bronte Harbour to take photos of the boats and see some cliff swallows, but were surprised to see red-necked grebes building nests and incubating eggs! This was the first time I had seen this bird, and I’m glad to see her with her chicks-to-be!

Five chicks

A red necked grebe nest with 5 chicks and one egg

Eat this

Female Grebe feeds chick a feather to line it’s stomach

feeding Grebe chicks

dad feeds baby chicks on nest–second chick seems to be calling “Me”

Baby Grebe

baby Red Necked Grebe swimming

Take it, little one

A male Red-necked Grebe feeding one of his six chicks

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology