Nest identification question

Two photos of the same nest 15 feet up in a carrotwood tree. No noticeable bird activity.

Great Horned Owl

Successful GHO clutch in 2021. Nest constructed from Nest Watch Plan for Great Horned Owl.

Great Horned Nest

Early February, Owl on nest throughout daytime visits , likely incubating. Nest located in city park located along stretch of Red Deer River. Mixed deciduous and conifer forest.

Owl Bucket Filled for the Nest Season

A young owl was seen in the bucket which had been seemingly un-used for many many years.


Two great horned owlets give me the eye, but one wanted a different perspective!

Great-horned owl nest at Griffith Woods Park in SW Calgary, Alberta near the Discovery Ridge subdivision

I have submitted photos of 2 young born in the Griffith Woods nest along with the mother, (I also do have photos of the male (not submitted)). Both the young were photographed in the week after leaving the nest. Only one of the photos was submitted,

Great horned owl

Baby hoot

5/15/2021. Saw white spots in leaves. Feathers on a branch. Looked and found the nest. Watched two great horned owelettes all summer

Pat the Owl

Pat the owl found on St. Patrick’s day in our yard in Ridgefield, WA . It was rehomed up in our trees by the Portland Audubon Society!
We watched her for weeks via a game camera, and she just left the nest last week!

Great Horned Owl

Natural roost site adjacent to our home.

Bachelor group of Mallards?

This is the same place where I saw the Great Horned Owls.

Immature Great Horned Owls

They don’t seem to be near any nest, so I assume they might be able to fly.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl and Owlet. May 2018

Great Horned Owl in South Austin TX

Large Great Horned Owl sat in a tree in our backyard all day. Rested, watched us, got harassed by the blue jay.

Great Horned Owl in Utah

Great Horned Owl by Utah Lake, in Utah.

Owl Nest

Taken during a tour of a slot canyon in Arizona in late April of this year

Great Horned Owlets

Great Horned Owl

Nest at open space I’ve been watching.

Fledgling great horned owl

Nests, Nests, Nests

I have been visiting Ballston Creek Preserve now for weeks…it started with lots of Heron nests and now there are so many babies. There was a Great Horned Owl and baby who fledged after my second visit. The Osprey sit high above and call out their warning sign as I get to the end of the path – no babies there yet. The Hairy Woodpecker I just happened upon while watching the others. Whoever says you have to go far from home to see beauty? All this in one spot! Totally enchanting!

Great-horned Owl with young

Returning migrant pair; one chick hidden; female with one baby

cozy nest

Surprise Owl Visitors

We had opened a rarely used set of blinds at my workplace, to find a great horned owl nest perched right outside our office window.

The Great Horned Owlets Diaries

A pair of Great Horned Owls commandeered an old squirrel’s nest. Two owlets were soon seen. The nest disintegrated. Code Red. Outlets Down. Call Center for the Birds of Prey in Awendaw SC:

Long, long, ongoing story. Have been tracking, photographing, sharing story at:

Great Horned Owl Nest

A pair of Owls nests in this area each spring. It is a treasure hunt to find the new nest and follow the young until they fledge. Seeing Mom come in with a snake was a special treat.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology