This Loggerhead Shrike fledgling just out of the nest!

Loggerhead Shrike flying in to feed its hatchlings!

Loggerhead Shrike With No Tail!

This Loggerhead Shrike has no tail, but that doesn’t stop it from flying!

Nesting Loggerhead Shrike!

Loggerhead Shrike Female Diving Into Its Nest As the Male Stands Guard!

Loggerhead Shrike About to Add New Nesting Material!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling And A Starling Duking It Out Over A Feather!

Loggerhead Shrike Finds A Snakeskin!

This Loggerhead Shrike finds a shed snakeskin to add to its nest!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling Regurgitating A Pellet!

Loggerhead Shrike Nestlings!

Loggerhead Shrike Feeding Its Fledgling A Moth!

Loggerhead Shrike fledgling waiting to be feed!

Loggerhead Shrike flying in to feed its fledgling!

Loggerhead Shrike fledgling with the head of a small bird!

This Loggerhead Shrike fledgling was given the head of a small by the adult!

Endangered Loggerhead Shrikes

This video about the Loggerhead Shrike appeared on a PBS show called Tennessee Wild Side! The photographs used throughout the 10-minute show were mostly mine!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

The Adult Loggerhead Shrike gave its fledgling a large Dragonfly and the fledgling was trying to eat it!

Loggerhead Shrike feeding its fledgling a Dragonfly!

Loggerhead Shrike feeding its fledgling!

The Loggerhead Shrikes were very busy trying to feed all five of its fledglings!

This Loggerhead Shrike Was Gathering Nesting Material!

Loggerhead Shrikes

This Loggerhead Shrike presented a Brown Anole to its mate!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

This fledgling was given part of a dismembered bird to eat, but the poor fledgling has no idea what to do with it the bird tries to wedge it into the V of a branch all to no avail. In the end the adult comes back and takes it back!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledglings fighting over a Beetle!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling’s “That’s My Beetle!”

Loggerhead Shrike With An Anole!

This Loggerhead Shrike is butchering an Anole so it can feed it’s fledglings! I guess The moniker “The Butcher Bird” is well deserved!

Loggerhead Shrike Presenting A Dragonfly To One Of It’s Fledglings!

Loggerhead Shrike Flies Onto A Branch With A Gecko!

Loggerhead Shrikes!

This Loggerhead Shrike is Feeding one of It’s fledglings a Mole Cricket!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

This Loggerhead Shrike fledgling is mimicking adult hunting behavior by flying from branch to branch with a leaf!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling Regurgitateing A Pellet!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledglng Learning To Hunt!

This Loggerhead Shrike fledgling was checking out a small lizard, not being sure if it could make a meal of it or not! In the end the fledgling let the lizard go!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling Trying To Wedge A Gecko Into The V Of A Small Branch!

This Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling Is About To Regurgitate A Pellet!

Loggerhead Shrike Adult Offers A Gecko To It’s Fledgling!

Best Year Yet Three Loggerhead Shrike Fledglings Out Of Their Nest!

I have been watching and photographing Loggerhead Shrikes in my area of Florida for the past 8 years. 3 fledglings out of their nest is the best result that I have seen so far!

Loggerhead Shrike With A Mole Cricket!

After being given a Mole Cricket by it’s mate for their fledgling it takes off it takes off to fed there charge!

Loggerhead Shrike Fledgling!

This Loggerhead Shrike fledgling was out of it’s nest for the first time!

Loggerhead Shrikes

This Loggerhead Shrike female is imploring the male for the offering it brought of the Mole Cricket!

Loggerhead Shrikes Mating!

Loggerhead Shrikes Mating!

Birds have one vent called the cloaca. The cloaca serves as the only opening for the digestive, reproductive and urinary tracts! in this photograph it’s quite visible, after mating!

Loggerhead Shrike takes flight out of it’s nesting area!

“Golden Hour” Loggerhead Shrike!

This female Loggerhead Shrike was taking a break from her nesting chores!

Loggerhead Shrike (Female)

This female Loggerhead Shrike was taking a break from her nesting chores! (You can tell it’s the female because of her soiled feathers)

Loggerhead Shrike

Loggerhead Shrike Too Much Cotton!

This Loggerhead Shrike had added cotton that it found to it’s nest. Then wanted to remove some but found it difficult to remove it from it’s beak! So it had to resort to it’s tried and true method of impaling it! A True Butcher Bird)

Loggerhead Shrike

Angry Loggerhead Shrike

Loggerhead Shrikes

This Loggerhead Shrike fledgling being fed a caterpillar!

Loggerhead Shrike

Loggerhead Shrike drops a gecko!

Loggerhead Shrikes building a nest

Loggerhead Shrikes (Mating)

Loggerhead Shrikes (mating)

Loggerhead Shrikes (Mating)

Loggerhead Shrikes (mating)

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology