Week old House Finch babies
Mama wasn’t around, so got a little video of the babies
Mama wasn’t around, so got a little video of the babies
I have around 10-12 sweet baby House Sparrows at my feeder.
3 new baby mockingbirds at John Paul’s Landing Park. What’s weird is that there getting feathers but barely even have eyes!
Still 4 cute baby mockers.
All 4 eggs hatched! Even the one that I thought was infertile.
Two have the four eggs hatched!! Still waiting for the other two. The other nest’s eggs are due to hatch between July 4th and 5th.
The other day, I saw both the male and female Tree Swallows going in and out of the box. Because the weather wasn’t really nice, I waited until today to check the box. All four eggs have hatched!
Mrs. Perry is doing a great job feeding her four babies!
Mr. and Mrs. Finch have four baby finches. Sadly, neither of them wants to care for them, the babies are so thin! Mrs. Finch seems to have abandoned them and Mr. Finch refuses to feed them. I hope they are ok!
We saw 3 families of Killdeer. The first family had 2 chicks, the second (shown in photos) had 3 chicks, and the third had 1 chick. We watched the 2nd family as they were within feet of us. Two of the chicks behaved, staying together and listening to Mrs. Deer, the other was with Mr. Deer. This chick wouldn’t come over even when Mrs. Deer yelled at him. He came over after lots of yelling from Mrs. Deer but took a lot longer than he needed to. I wonder where these three nests were. We only found two.
In this entertaining GIF, Mama arrives and feeds her 3-day old babies.
Recorded with a Blink Mini camera.
2022 Bird Nests part 1.
Please correct me if I am wrong on any of these IDs.
Three baby robins in a pine tree.
do you see the babies?this out my window when I wake up!
The Killdeer eggs have hatched! Before we only saw the mother but today we saw both the mother and father. All four eggs hatched. The photos aren’t that good because they were running around. There was a black snake in the water so I hope it doesn’t get the babies! They are still a bit wobbly.
Baby doves
Two little House Finch babies poking their heads out of the nest almost ready to fledge. (And they fledged successfully!)
The Brown-headed Nuthatch pair (was a cooperative breeding situation with former juvenile from prior brood, but that one has moved on) has been tending to their hatched young. Managed to get great videos at multiple angles showcasing feeding, fecal sac removal, and young peeking out. Lots of vocalizations by parents and young. They’ve grown so big!
Eastern Bluebirds nested in my backyard for the third consecutive year, and blessed me this Spring with 5 babies. This is the first brood at 5 days old. Hatch date was April 6, 2021.
Our “Workshop Nest” built by the Carolina Wren contained two beautiful little eggs, which we were pleased to observe as successfully hatched today (Easter Sunday)!
American Robin juveniles in my back yard.
It seems all the babies are fledgling now and coming to our feeders!
Baby woodpeckers, so cute!
Nest about 100 yards from water.
Eastern Bluebird babies at 8 days old. This is the third brood of Eastern Bluebirds born in this next box this year. This clutch came from different parents than the first two broods.
Eastern Bluebird babies at 3 days old. There were 5 eggs in this clutch, and all hatched.
Today was hatch day for my Eastern Bluebirds! Here are my four little bundles of joy, with one more egg to hatch. It is going to be an amazing journey watching these little ones grow up!
All five huddled together and ready to fledge. This was the first nesting attempt in this nest box we built this Feb. All five eggs hatched and made it and 3 days later left. Taken May 18, 2018.
We’ve been monitoring a nest with five small Eastern Phoebe eggs, who recently hatched!
Day 15 Of The Nestling Phase/Period.
The cowbird already fledged.
Those phoebes are on top of an unhatched egg.
I’m not your step-father, cowbird!
After only seeing one egg a month ago in the nest, Momma never seemed to leave again for me to check on it. I saw her up there a couple days ago sitting next to one baby. Then today I went out and there were 2 babies!!! So excited. She must have laid her other egg and then kept her young guarded toward the back of the nest where I could not see them. Congratulations Momma Mourning Dove on 2 beautiful babies.
Mr. phoebe, or “Dino” as I named him is bringing food to the little ones! Miss phoebe, or “maya” had to move out of the way!
This is mama phoebe and her nest.
Baby Northern Cardinals < 24 hours old.
I checked the box yesterday, 3/21/2017, to check on the eggs and to my surprise I found these 4 little things
This mother duck makes a nest in my garden every year. I love watching out of the window when the babies hatch. They are so cute when they climb all over her.
5 eastern bluebird babies. Both parents both very active and well, babies are growing fast and Nestbox looks great. We have worked very hard to create a habitat to give them their best shot at survival. Born on the morning of April 5, 2016.
This was taken in 2012, the first year I had BC chickadees use one of my bluebird boxes. All five babies successfully fledged and I had the joy of watching their parents teach them the ins and outs of bird feeders, bugs and other treats in our yard.
Baby Mallards get their first swimming lesson from mama.
Three baby Barn Swallows waiting for mama to bring their lunch.
The Wrens should fledge soon!
The House Wren eggs in birdhouse have hatched! 😀 The babies are so small!
Carolina Chickadee hatchlings. Hatched yesterday, 5/15. Mother incubated for at least 14 days. Count 5 heads and it looks like 1 more. There were 6 eggs.
Noticed the Robin spending a lot of time in and around our yard. My husband noticed the nest while cutting the lawn on May 31st.