Mourning Dove Nest
Mourning Dove nest in a dead palm tree with two babies! Both chicks fledged. The parents took turns with the babies.
Singing in the Rain
Little bird singing while it thoroughly enjoys its bath.
At least 3 Bewick’s Wren nestlings
This is a photo of the nest box video as it shows on my TV.
Carolina Wren Nest
Birds Nesting In My 10 x10 Screen Room
Birds found a small hole in my screen room to nest. and, have babies( 4)
Hatched-3 Northern Cardinals
3 little Northern Cardinals, freshly hatched in a thorny bush right outside our front door, just in time for Mother’s Day.
Carolina Wren babies have hatched
Looks like all 5 Carolina wren eggs have successfully hatched. I’ve offered live meal worms and mom and dad have been feeding them throughout the day.
Carolina Wrens
2 Carolina wrens very close to fledging
Baby Carolina Wrens – 4 days later
This nest in in a potted sage plant on a shelf on our first floor apartment patio. I count four beaks in this photo, but there were six eggs originally and no evidence of death or any unhatched eggs, so we believe there are six young in there just piled on top of each other (as they do). This photo was taken with my cell phone on 5/19/15. Babies are awake but still very quiet. The one looking at me in the picture had his mouth open until he realized I wasn’t going to give him any food. Mama and Papa are excellent hunters and are frequently seen returning to the nest with large bugs for their babies.
Baby Carolina Wrens
This nest is in a potted sage plant on our first floor apartment patio. These babies haven’t made a peep yet. There were six eggs, but I can only count five sets of wings in this picture. However, there may be one more little guy in the back, it’s just difficult to see in there.
Crowded Robin’s Nest
My Robin neighbors’ young are quickly developing feathers. Last week they still looked like the baby from the movie “Eraserhead” but now they resemble their parents, showing more personality, curiosity, and ever more verve. It must be itchy to grow into your feathers because they are constantly picking at themselves and each other (either that or they have mites — ouch). Mom (nicknamed “Serene”) and Dad (“Serenade”) show signs of weariness as they continue to strive to meet the demands of this maturing brood.
The biggest, and perhaps the first hatched, is on the far left. I have predicted it is a “he” because each time he has stretched out his neck, he displays the brightest breast and wing feathers. He will most likely jump out of the nest first. I also thought he would be the greediest when it came to food, but from what I’ve observed, the parents go back and forth dividing food in turns. They really pay attention to details.
Growing Robin Family
The female robin I’ve been monitoring, nicknamed Serene, now has a full brood, and, boy, are they HUNGRY! I am delighted to present such a lovely series of photographs which, without the trusting presence of the birds, and a nice zoom lens, would not otherwise enable me to show off this growing family.
The little ones are quickly growing their feathers. Today is the first day I’ve dared to peek at them since I noticed they hatched. To see that one of them has a tiny foot with the beginnings of “fingernails” (talons, heh!) made my day. Before I know it, they will fly away. I am anxious to report someday that this nesting attempt will be successful.
My whole neighborhood is excited about these birds!