European Starling Picking Up a Worn Down Dove Feather For Its Nest
European Starling with a stick for its nest
Blue Jay collecting nesting materials
Blue Jays Nest Building
A pair of Blue Jays collecting nesting materials in a neighbor’s yard. (The female is shown in the photos. )
Male Mourning Dove with a Twig
Nest Building 2024 (So far)
Blue Jay getting string for the nest
Birds Carrying Nesting Material, Part 2
A few more of my favorite photos from this breeding season of birds carrying nesting material. I monitored the Mourning Dove nest for Nest Watch.
Birds Carrying Nesting Material
These are some of my favorite photos of birds carrying nesting material during this breeding season. I was only able to monitor the Fish Crow nest all the way to fledging. The nests of the other birds were either not used, not finished, or I wasn’t able to locate it.
The new nest
The male of nest #2 (with 2 eggs) is working on another nest in a tree next to it.
Something strange for the nest
I have been watching Mr. and Mrs. Starling collect stuff dor their nest, sometimes they get something really weird!
Blue Jays Collecting Nesting Materials
Pretty much everyone is collecting nesting materials, Starlings, House Sparrows, Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Mockingbirds.
Mr. and Mrs. Starling collecting nesting materials
Eastern Bluebird nest building begins.
M & F pair of Eastern Bluebirds observed bringing nesting materials (grasses) to the same nest box used last year. Up to five bluebirds were present daily here throughout the winter, including 2 adults. Possibly the same individuals?
Red-bellied Woodpecker nest building
The male went inside the hole and then came out, he then called the female over.
Mrs. Mockingbird collecting palm fibers
Female Mockingbird with nesting material
Crows making a nest
Two crows were making a nest
Eastern Bluebird Nest Building Underway
Nest building started Sunday, 4/10/22.
Bluebirds Building a Nest
Mourning doves nest-building time-lapse
A pair of mourning doves nest above our front door, where we watch them on a webcam. This is a time-lapse video of the doves building their first nest of the 2018 nesting season on Feb. 28, 2018.
Ruby builds her nest
Spotted this female Ruby-throated stretching spider web silk to build her nest. It was such a tiny nest, I never would have seen it without her frequent nest building visits.
Practice Session
I’ve been monitoring Baltimore Orioles, daily, in my yard, on 1-2 Wingscapes bird Cams, since the first arrival on Labor Day, 2016. During this time I’ve seen some interesting behavior, and have been able to identify, by markings, many individuals over the 8 month period. This was special, as it was the last Baltimore Oriole, on the last day of the fall/winter season, in Florida, before departing for her breeding grounds, up north. I assume, triggered by hormones, this oriole had a little “practice” session of nest building. Wishing her a safe journey!
Pygmy Nuthatch
First time I’ve had these little birds nest in my yard. I love watching them and hearing their chatter. They are very tentative to their nest and to each other.
Building a Nest
Lovely Eastern Bluebird building a nest.
Serene Robins
My newest neighbors, a pair of American Robins, have built three different versions of nests, and despite human traffic (the noise of lawnmowers, cars, partying college students who have just graduated), they have settled on an air conditioning unit directly across from my apartment window.
They have been very easy to photograph, letting me peek into their private world without interrupting their nesting process or frightening them away. The birds are lucky to have picked a place where our backyard faces Schmeekle Reserve:
The nearby University of Wisconsin — Stevens Point campus has an excellent Natural Resources department and the area students and community love our wildlife!
As of May 25th, 2014 the Robins, whom I identify as Serene (female) and Serenade (male), have two eggs in the finally finished nest.