Artículos de BirdScope
Un Tubo Nido de Carbonero Cabecinegro
2011. Yuhas, D. Housekeeping secrets of swallows. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Winter 2011.
2008. Cooper, C., D. Bonter, and L. Erickson. Looking for the perfect fixer-upper: Chickadees prefer nest tubes filled with wood shavings over nest boxes. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 22, Number 3.
2008. Phillips, T. Whose nest is it? BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 22, Number 2.
2008. Erickson, L. Fun nesting facts. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 22, Number 2.
2008. Erickson, L. Brown-headed Cowbird: A bird that never nests has a huge impact on nesting birds. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 22, Number 2.
2008. Erickson, L. and T. Phillips. What you can do: Top 10 ways to help nesting birds. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 22, Number 2.
2008. Phillips, T. and K. Gifford. Introducing CamClickr: Innovative online game to organize 7 million NestCam photos. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 22, Number 2.
2007. Phillips, T. White-breasted Nuthatch: The Birdhouse Network’s Most Wanted Twelfth in a series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 21, Number 2.
2007. Leonard, P. Uncle Hanni’s Eggs More than 5,000 hand-painted eggs were a labor of love. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 21, Number 2.
2007. Phillips, T. Pilot season begins for NestWatch, new citizen-science project. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 21, Number 2.
2007. Phillips, T. Nest-box Basics. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 21, Number 2.
2007. Phillips, T. Nest-box monitors contribute new information on «Most Wanted» birds . BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 21, Number 2.
2007. Phillips, T., C. Cooper and M. Whitman. Insights from 60,000 Nests: A decade of results from The Birdhouse Network . BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 21, Number 2.
Jilguerito Canario
2007. Kress, S. Ten Ways to Landscape for Songbirds. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 21, Number 1.
2006. Dickinson, J. What’s New with Bird Personalities? Previews from a study about fear of novel objects. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 20, Number 4.
2006. Leonard, P. A Nest Egg for Nest Watching. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 20, Number 3.
2006. Dickinson, J., C. Cooper and T. Phillips. Cautious or Courageous: How Bold Are Your Birds?. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 20, Number 2.
2006. Leonard, P., and M. Chu. Citizen Science Connections Technology adds new dynamism to citizen science.. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 20, Number 1.
2006. Phillips, T., and C. Cooper. Lights, Camera, Action! Nest Box Cam technology reveals rarely seen events.. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 20, Number 1.
2005. Phillips, T. Oak Titmouse, Tenth in a Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 19, Number 2.
2005. Whitman, M. Young Citizen Scientist Earns Presidential Award. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 19, Number 2.
2005. Phillips, T and C. Cooper. Par for the Course. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 19, Number 2.
2005. Cooper, C. Beyond the Call. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 19, Number 1.
2005. Phillips, T. Nest Boxes: More than just birdhouses.BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 19, Number 1.
2003. Phillips, T. Nabbed: «Most Wanted Birds». BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 17, Number 2.
2003. Phillips T. Great Crested Flycatcher, Seventh in a Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 17, Number 2.
Papamoscas Viajero
2003. Phillips, T., and D. Winkler. How Bad Was It? A geographic look at Tree Swallow breeding data. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 17, Number 1.
2002. Whitworth, T. New Species Found in Wren’s Nest. Citizen scientists help in bird blowfly discovery. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 4.
2002. Cooper, C., and T. Phillips. Rhythm and Bluebirds. New devices track temperatures and incubation rhythms at the nest. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 3.
2002. Phillips T. Mountain Chickadee, Sixth in a Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 3.
2002. Phillips, T., and R. Rohrbaugh. Pesticides and Nest Boxes. BirdScope, Volume 16, Number 2: 11.
2002. Phillips, T. Brown-headed Nuthatch, Fifth in a Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 2: 5.
2002 Phillips, T. About the Birdhouse Network Annual Report. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 1: 4.
2002. Phillips, T., and R. Rohrbaugh. Measuring Their Success. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 1: 4-5.
2002. Phillips, T, R. Rohrbaugh, and C. Cooper. Measuring Your Success. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 1: 5-6.
2002. Phillips, T. Keep Out! Participants report on how they protected nests from predators. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 1: 6.
2002. Phillips, T. A Home for the Purple Martin. 4th in the Most Wanted Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 16, Number 1: 7.
2001. Phillips, T. American Kestrel, Third in a Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 15, Number 4: 14.
Una Golondrina Azulnegra Alimentando a sus Crías
2001. Phillips, T. Pesticides and Birds. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 15, Number 3: 6-7.
2001. Powers, M. Decline of Bewick’s Wren, Second in a Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 15, Number 3: 4-5.
2001. Powers, M. Wanted: Alive! Prothonotary Warbler, TBN’s Most Wanted— First in a Series. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 15, Number 2: 4.
2001. Dhondt, A.A., and T. Phillips. A Question of Preference. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 15, Number 2: 1-3.
2001. Phillips, T. TBN’s Most Wanted. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 15, Number 1: 8-9.
2000. Phillips, T. Nest-Box Data Reveal Surprising Results. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 14, Number 3: 3,14-15.
2000. Dhondt, A.A., T.L.Kast, and P.E. Allen. Clutch-size Variation in Eastern Bluebirds. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 14, Number 2: 3-5.
1999. Kast, T.L. Birds and Blowflies. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 13, Number 4: 13-14.
1999. Rowe, N.D. Magnetic Attraction . BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 13, Number 1: 9.
1999. Dickinson, N.W. This February Morning. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 13, Number 2: 4.
1999. Wells, A.C. From Birdhouse to Living Laboratory. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 13, Number 2: 1-3.
1998. Kast,T.L., P.E. Allen, and A.A. Dhondt, A.A. Birds and Calcium. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 12, Number 1: 7.
1998. Kast, T.L., and P.E. Allen. Nest Box Network Efforts Pay Off. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 12, Number 1: 4-5.
1998. Kast, T.L. Look Who Nests in Nest Boxes . . . Screech-owls. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 12, Number 4: 10.
1998. Senesac, P. Frequently Asked Questions Answered by CNBN Staff. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 12, Number 2.
1998. Kast, T.L. CNBN 101: Anatomy of a Good Nest Box. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 12, Number 2.
1997. Rohrbaugh, R. Something to Howl About. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 11, Number 3.
1997. Bonney, R. Peering into the Lives of cavity-nesting Birds. BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 11, Number 2.
1988. Butcher, G. Incubation period of the Eastern Bluebird and the American Robin. BirdScope 2(2):10–11.