Personas y Proceso

Visitando un Nido de Azulejo Pálido
2023. Bailey, R. L., L. Larson, and D. N. Bonter. NestWatch: An open-access, long-term data set on avian reproductive success. Ecology: e4230. DOI:
2021. Phillips, T.B., R.L. Bailey, V.Y. Martin, H.A. Faulkner-Grant, and D.N. Bonter. The role of citizen science in management of invasive avian species: What people think, know, and do. Journal of Environmental Management 280(2021): 111709. doi:
2019. Phillips, T.B., H.L. Ballard, B.V. Lewenstein, and R. Bonney. Engagement in science through citizen science: Moving beyond data collection. Science Education 2019:1–26.
2015. Cooper, C.B., R.L. Bailey, and D.I. Leech. The role of citizen science in studies of avian reproduction in Nests, Eggs, and Incubation: New ideas about avian reproduction (D.C. Deeming and S.J. Reynolds, eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
2013. Cooper, C.B. Is there weekend bias in clutch-initiation dates from citizen science: Implications for studies of avian breeding phenology. International Journal of Biometeorology 58:1415-1419. 10.1007/s00484-013-0742-z
2012. Phillips, T., R. Bonney, and J. Shirk. What is our impact? Toward a unified framework for evaluating impacts of citizen science in Citizen Science: Public Collaboration in Environmental Research (J.L. Dickinson and R. Bonney, eds.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
2009. Phillips, T., and J.L. Dickinson. Tracking the nesting success of North America’s breeding birds through public participation in NestWatch. Proceedings of the 4th International Partners in Flight Conference: Tundra to Tropics. p. 633-640. Available here.
2009. Bonney, R., H. Ballard, R. Jordan, E. McCallie, T. Phillips, J. Shirk, and C.C. Wilderman. Public participation in scientific research: Defining the field and assessing its potential for informal science education. A CAISE (Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education) Inquiry Group Report. Washington, D.C. Available here.
2009. Bonney, R., C.B. Cooper, J. Dickinson, S. Kelling, T. Phillips, K.V. Rosenberg, and J. Shirk. Citizen science: A developing tool for expanding science knowledge and scientific literacy. BioScience 59(11):977-984.
2006. Phillips, T.B., B. Lewenstein, and R. Bonney. A case study of citizen science. In (C. Donghong, J. Metcalfe, B. Schiele, eds.) At the Human Scale, International Practices in Science Communication. Science Press, Beijing.

Monitores Revisando las Calabazas Nido de Golondrina Azulnegra
2005. Brossard, D., B. Lewenstein, and R. Bonney. Scientific Knowledge and Attitude Change: The Impact of a Citizen Science Project. International Journal of Science Education 27(9):1099-1121.
1978. McCrimmon, Jr., D.A. and J. Bart. Using the North American Nest Record Card Program to monitor reproductive patterns in raptors in Endangered Birds, Management Techniques for Preserving Threatened Species (S.A. Temple, ed.). The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison.
1969. Peakall, D.B. Nest record programs: a progress report. Audubon Field Notes 23:59-63.
1967. Myres, M.T. Nest record schemes in Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist 81:281-284.
1967. Peakall, D.B. Nest record card programs in Canada. Canadian Field Naturalist 81:160-162.
1965. Peakall, D.B. Nest record card program — second annual report. Kingbird 15:88-89.
1964. Peakall, D.B. Nest record card program — first annual report. Kingbird 14:13-15.
1964. Peakall, D.B. Nest-record programs of North America. Audubon Field Notes 18:35-38.
1963. Peakall, D.B. A nest record scheme for New York State. Kingbird 13:85-88.