Unusual place for a nest
A Carolina Wren built her nest in our carport on a shelf on an orange rag and bubble wrap
A Carolina Wren built her nest in our carport on a shelf on an orange rag and bubble wrap
This carolina wren nest is located in an aircraft maintenance hangar at Tampa airport. The nest is located in a cardboard part box. I was surprised to see 8 eggs in 1 nest. I’m not sure if that’s common.
This Carolina Wren nest was found at the top of covered a propane tank.
Newly hatched Carolina Wren in a nest lined with snakeskin
This pair if wrens have built 3 nests on our front porch over the spring and summer. This last nest is right next to our front door. We spend a lot of time on our front porch and they are very accustomed to us being around. They are very trusting of us. We have enjoyed watching them build, feed each other while the other is on the nest and now both mama and daddy are frantically feeding the four little ones!
Baby Carolina wren in the nest.
These Wren built a nest on a decorative shelf on the porch. Once the young ones hatched the increased activity brought the shelf down as it wasn’t securely installed. It was just a decoration. We rehung the shelf unit more securely and put back the hatchlings and what was left on the nest.The parents returned and went back to work,, all this was done in a about an hours or so…
This nest has been build upon 6 times over, in the same spot. You can see one nest cup on top of another balanced between window rail and the window.
It was originally started as a Robin’s nest, but from year two through six, it was occupied and built each successive year by the Carolina Wren that returns year after year. The Carolina Wren stacks twigs and sticks in the space between top of the nest and the roof eve so there is only very small space to enter the nest cup, and it in turn, minimizes intrusion by predators.
Carolina Wren baby chicks in the spare tire on the back of our Jeep Wrangler.
Carolina Wren parents made a nest the day I hung this gourd up on our porch. Now they busily feed their newborn babies.
A couple of prospective parents created this nest in a nice hanging plant on our porch-had to leave plant alone once they nested!
It appears to be a wren nest carefully crafted on my 4th of July holiday wreath on my front door with four eggs and doting parents.
Nest in clothespin container, for the second consecutive year.
Mom and Dad were nearby and kept watch and fed these babies as they huddled together.
Carolina Wrens nesting in a Mason Jar!
Sweet Carolina Wrens nested in a mason jar!