Learn all about nests and how to watch them

Learn all there is to know with resources for both beginning and seasoned NestWatchers

Photo by NestWatch

Explore our resources on participating in NestWatch, identifying nests and eggs, understanding the nesting cycle, and installing and managing nest boxes.

How to NestWatch

All About Birdhouses

Do you want to build a nest box or have one already? Find plans and helpful tips!

Bird & Nest Information

What to do about unwelcome visitors

Learn how to manage predators, non-native species, and competitors like mice and insects.

What to do?

Nest Box Troubleshooting Guide

Having trouble with your nest box tenants? Use this quick guide to troubleshoot it.

Tips for success

Nest Box Placement

When, where, and how should you place your nest boxes?

Photo credits: How to NestWatch: Jean Montgomerie, American Robins by Angela Wilkins, John Higgins, Kevin Corwin, American Robins by Karen Burke, Tree Swallow eggs by Paula Ziebarth, Eastern Bluebirds by Glenda Simmons; All About Birdhouses: Tree Swallows by Bill Vander Molen; Bird & Nest Information: Says’s Phoebe by Kimberly Schug, Chipping Sparrow nest by Red Wing Birding, American Robin by Sujata Roy, Purple Martin nest by Diane Seward, Brown-headed Cowbirds by Christine Haines, American Robin by Amee Benoit, Wood Ducks by Tamra Tiemeyer; Unwelcome Visitors: Snake by Clare Dattilo, House Sparrows by Brayden Davis, Flying Squirrel by Kathleen Wegman; Northern Flicker by Christine Haines, and Mountain Chickadee by Christine Haines.