American Robin Nest on Porch

Both happy and and sad when I discovered this beautiful robin had built this nest on the ledge above our front door on the porch! We had to block the window from the inside because our living room light would disturb the birds at night, and that was not a problem. But we had to use the back door to get in and out of our house, which was inconvenient! The good news is that the venture was successful, and the fledglings left successfully:)

A little wine from these grapes would go great with a worm mom.

After building a nest in my garden and not having her eggs hatch the mother built a second nest in my grape vines. I didn’t find it until she’d laid three eggs, which all hatched in the last two days. I’ve been growing the grape vines for 4 years and this year was going to be my “crop” year, however with the nest I can’t really get close and I certainly couldn’t spray the vines insects, etc. The crop is pretty well half destroyed by bugs / black rot, but the bird family is doing just fine.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology