How do I edit an attempt after it has been finalized?

The NestWatch app shows only the latest nesting attempt that has been entered on each Nest Site. So, for example, if you ended one attempt and then immediately started another attempt, you would no longer be able to see or edit the first attempt.

If you need to edit the nest fate, nest totals (clutch size, unhatched eggs, live young, or fledglings), or any other data for a nest you have already summarized, please follow the instructions below:

  • Log in to Your Data home page.
  • Open your Nest Site List, find the relevant nest site, and select “View Site Summary.” You will see all of the nest attempts that you’ve added to that site.
  • Find the nest attempt you wish to edit (the most recent attempts are listed at the top) and select the “Edit attempt” option. This will bring you to the nest attempt page containing the data entry table.
  • Above the table, select the button, “Reopen attempt for editing.”
  • Make any edits you wish, and then select “Summarize this nesting attempt” from the options at the bottom of the page. Make any additional edits here and then select “End this nesting attempt” to save and exit.

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