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Photo © Al Tuttle

What are unsynced data?

If you think certain data points from your nest visit (especially photos) were not saved, look in the “Unsynced data” section of the app menu. If your signal is weak and data can’t be uploaded because your cell coverage is unreliable, the app will save data here and wait for you to reconnect to Wi-Fi. This greatly reduces the possibility of any lost data.

Once you’re connected to a network again, go back to the unsynced data section, and tap the icon with two arrows to sync the data.

If you have any errors, use the “copy” button to copy debug information, paste it in an email, and then send the email to us at nestwatch@cornell.edu, along with a description of the problem. The debug information will look like a bunch of code, and it will help our programmers to diagnose the problem.

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Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology