eNews June 2024
June 21, 2024
June 2024
Past Nest Records Revived
Our Nest Quest Go! project has been hard at work converting historical paper data into digital records for NestWatch this summer. We’re thrilled to announce that 33,738 old nest records have recently been added to our database. The uploaded projects include Cliff Swallows, gamebirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, and wrens and span the years 1911–2010.
We are growing increasingly excited to approach the finish line on this effort to transform the collection of North American Nest-Record Cards into downloadable NestWatch records. What a tremendous accomplishment made possible by our dedicated Nest Quest Go! volunteers, whom we thank with deepest gratitude.
Our Host on the Coast
NestWatch project leader Robyn Bailey recently traveled to Norman Bird Sanctuary (a NestWatch Chapter in Middletown, RI) to speak at an event honoring the sanctuary’s 75th anniversary. Robyn’s presentation focused on the critical role of citizen scientists in studies of avian reproduction. It was also an opportunity to walk the property with staff and discuss the many conservation projects underway (highlights included seeing Bobolinks and Saltmarsh Sparrows in their nesting territories, plus the campus’s extensive nest box arrays).
This lovely sanctuary on the coast—founded by Mabel Norman Cerio—provides vital bird habitat, picturesque views, and community access to nature-based learning. Not all NestWatch chapters have a physical property like this (well worth a visit if you can go), but all are working to make the world a little safer for local nesting birds. Find one near you.
New Chapter in Upper Manhattan
We just welcomed our newest NestWatch Chapter, Avian Stewards NestWatch Society, based in Upper Manhattan (New York City). Spearheaded by Falinia Adkins, this NestWatching effort will be incorporated into a local birdwatching group and habitat stewardship program that will offer trainings to adults and schoolchildren.
Falinia states that the Upper Manhattan area is “full of nests,” and the goal of the chapter will be to raise awareness of how important it is to safeguard each bird nest in the community. Welcome Avian Stewards NestWatch Society!
Kansas Data Boost
This month we uploaded 750 nest records of 8 species courtesy of Kansas State Extension Master Naturalists. These data were collated and submitted by Vince Petrillo. We thank all volunteers for their efforts in gathering these data. Awesome work!