Overcoming Obstacles

While the marker ball on a power line is a very safe nesting spot, feeding takes a little more work on both sides.

Safety For More Than Just Helicopters!

Around the perimeter of a field where emergency helicopters sometimes land, there are orange marker balls to indicate power lines. Every year, a swallow family moves into one of them and raises a little family 🙂

Violet-Green Swallow Stare Down

This Violet-Green Swallow baby was giving me the great Stare Down on Day 20, just too cute for words! Only 5 more days in the nest.

Violet-Green Swallow Feeding Time

Daddy Violet-Green Swallow making a quick pit stop to deliver bugs to one of the babies.

Violet-Green Swallow – 11 day old babies

This was the last time I opened the nest box, the babies were so active on day 11 I knew I wouldn’t be able to see inside the nest box again.

Violet-Green Swallow Feather Nest

My Violet-Green Swallow Family had a gorgeous nest full of beautiful feathers. This picture was taken when the hatchlings were about 3 days old.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology