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Photo © Glenda Simmons

Nestwatch Blog: "featured-cs"

How Do Nest Parasites Affect Purple Martins?

Recent research reveals that a strategy thought to reduce ectoparasites may not have the presumed benefits some nest box landlords expect. According to the new study, replacing nest materials infested with parasites is not a recommended practice due to its lack of benefits and potential for stressing nestlings.

Anthropogenic Light and Noise Pollution Affect Nesting Birds

In one of the most comprehensive studies on the effects of noise and light pollution on nesting birds published to date, researchers find a variety of detrimental impacts to reproduction. Data collected by NestWatchers across the country, combined with maps of noise and light pollution, show heterogeneous effects on nesting success, clutch size, hatching failure, and timing of nesting.

How are people managing invasive birds at nest boxes?

A new study from NestWatch investigated how many people had experience with non-native birds in their nest boxes. The study explored peoples’ knowledge of House Sparrows and European Starlings, and their attitudes towards managing them, especially if people encountered these non-native birds in their monitored nest boxes.

Gulls Just Wanna Have Data

For seven years, Cornell University students diligently collected nesting data on two species of gulls in Maine. Recently this large data set has come home to roost in our NestWatch database via a generous bulk-upload contribution from Dr. David Bonter.

How Does Drought Affect Eastern Bluebirds?

Climate models are predicting drier conditions and more persistent droughts in North America. Thanks to contributions from NestWatchers, scientists were recently able to conduct the first range-wide analysis on the effects of drought on Eastern Bluebird breeding success.

The Life and Times of Mites

If you monitor bird nests, you’re probably pretty familiar with mites. Join us as we explore the different kinds of mites that inhabit birds and their nests, and discover how birds have evolved to fight back.

NestWatcher Finds Rare Albino Nestling

A NestWatcher discovers an albino Tree Swallow in a Massachusetts nest box. Fewer than one-half of a percent of all birds have this genetic condition.

What’s All The Buzzing About?

Do Northern Flickers have a “hive mind” mentality? Or is their acoustic resemblance to a swarm of bees simply coincidence? Listen in, and decide for yourself!

The Nests That Weren’t

We love to play “Guess whose nest?” and answer your burning nest questions. Sometimes, however, this takes a detour into non-avian species. Here are our top five participant finds.

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology