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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Scott Williams

Lock Haven, PA, USA


Three of our four Bluebird peeps on the lookout for the parents…

Another dusk photo, with ISO 3200. Touched up with Ps.


Nests in boxes

More Backyard Bird Babies…

Bluebird Babies

4 responses to “More Backyard Bird Babies…”

  1. Ellen Williams says:

    Will the the female bluebird overheat in her nest box. It.s 94 degrees out side. Is there anything I can do to help her?

  2. Robyn Bailey says:

    Hi Ellen, we have found bluebirds to be remarkably resilient to high temperatures. If your nest box has some ventilation (air holes or gaps along the pivot side), then they will probably be ok. If the box is in full sun, she or the young may pant, but this is normal. Try adding a birdbath to your yard to ensure the birds have a nice spot to cool off and take a drink. Best of luck!

  3. Scott says:

    One interesting observation we have made this breeding season: Both the Robins and Bluebirds are feeding their chicks at our bird feeder. Last winter we started using husked sunflower seeds to eliminate the mess of the hulls of the seeds, and the Robins and Bluebirds have been feeding both themselves and their peeps quite actively at the feeder this spring. This is the first time we have observed this behavior in more than 20 years of feeding birds, and attribute it to the husked seeds.

  4. Scott says:


    Not sure who the Ellen Williams is who asked a question on my image, but she is not known to me or associated with me in any way. Just sayin’…

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