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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Martha Davis

Indianapolis, IN, United States


I watched in awe as all five of the Eastern Bluebird babies fledged! The box was at the end of my yard and I had my camera focused on it all the time. I was able to get many photos of the progress of the family. I now find myself glancing out the window — and they are no longer there. I feel good that there are five young bluebirds in my neighborhood and hope they will return to the box at my house another year!


Nests in boxes


The Big Fledge Day!

Look At Me! I Can Fly!!

4 responses to “The Big Fledge Day!”

  1. Magdalene says:

    So cool !!

  2. Chuck stock says:


  3. mongoose 218 says:

    Wonderful that you were lucky enough to catch all of them learning to fly!

  4. mongibello says:

    I’m always amazed at the number of fledglings that such a bird box can accommodate.
    Great pics!

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