Browse our newsletter archives
- Updates to Our Nest Box Pages
Maps now show updated data regarding species status in US and now include Canadian regions too.
- Welcome Two New NestWatch Chapters
Welcome Brukner Nature Center of Troy, OH and Severson Dells Nature Center of Rockford, IL!
- What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Download a Prothonotary Warbler growth succession chart.
- Nest Parasites and Purple Martins
In this month’s blog post, we share some new research concerning Purple Martins and parasite-reduction tactics.
- Eastern Bluebird Nestling Growth Chart
We’ve got a free resource that can help you age your Eastern Bluebird nestlings!
- Bulk Uploads Keep January Bustling
We were able to bulk upload 1,199 nest records from 3 contributors this month.
- Great Backyard Bird Count Coming Soon
Join others across the globe in this annual effort to count birds in backyards and beyond.
- Winter-Proofing Your Birdhouse
With some modifications, you can repurpose your spring birdhouses by turning them into winter shelters for your backyard birds!