Browse our newsletter archives
- Our Annual Report Is Here
The NestWatch Digest for the 2020 breeding season is available now.
- Updates to Your Nest Map
It’s now easier to view and edit your nest data.
- Mass Data Upload
Thanks goes to Mass Audubon’s Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary!
- Providing Nest Materials for Birds
Do’s and don’ts to keep in mind this spring.
- Plastic “Easter Grass,” Not For the Birds
For bird-safe fun, use paper grass or tissue paper to line children’s baskets instead.
- Warblers Are Flying!
Head over to Nest Quest Go! to help us finish up this card set.
- Your Gear = Their Cozy Nest
Don’t forget to check your outdoor equipment for nests!
- Lakeside Living
This month we processed a bulk uploaded from the Leaser Lake Heritage Foundation.
- Join Us In a Live Virtual Event!
Register for Nest and Egg ID with NestWatch, going live next Tuesday, March 2 at Noon ET.