eNews March 2024

March 2024

March 2024

Our Annual Report is Here

The NestWatch Digest is our annual report highlighting achievements in conservation, research, and community action for the 2023 season. We share the impressive numbers for 2023 participation, including historical dataset uploads and progress on our Nest Quest Go! initiative. We create this yearly report with NestWatchers in mind to keep you updated on how your observations contribute to the big picture. Read the report here.

We hope you enjoy the redesigned look this year, and we invite you to share any feedback using this quick survey

AKP Data Migration Complete

Last month we announced a new collaboration with The Peregrine Fund’s American Kestrel Partnership (AKP). Now we are pleased to report that the data migration from the AKP server to NestWatch is complete. Former AKP contributors can now access their data in NestWatch and start monitoring for the 2024 season. We extend a hearty “welcome” to all the American Kestrel nest monitors joining us, and we’re glad you’re here!

What’s This Bird Doing?

In this photo, a Carolina Chickadee is peering into an open pipe. When we received this photo for identification, we advised that the pipe be immediately covered with something like a mesh screen, spray foam, or even a rock. Why?

Cavity-nesting birds, like this chickadee, are obligated to nest in holes, so they explore potential nesting sites within their territory. This bird is almost certainly looking for a nest hole, but narrow open pipes can act as traps! Birds fall in and are unable to get out. We have received reports of such pipes being filled with the remains of unfortunate birds who were searching for a nest site. This spring, why not search for open pipes on your property and ensure they are capped off? It’s free, easy, and might save some birds. Read more about this issue here.

NestWatcher Wins Conservation Award

We’re proud to share that NestWatcher Tim Bischoff has recently been awarded the Ohio Bluebird Society’s Wildlife Conservation Award for outstanding wildlife conservation efforts. You may remember Tim was featured in our blog last year, and we’re incredibly proud to call him a NestWatcher! This honor for Tim is well deserved.

Not one to rest on his laurels, we also bulk uploaded 189 nest records from Tim this month. They included data on American Kestrels, Prothonotary Warblers, Eastern Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, and other species from the 2023 nesting season. Great work, Tim!