Browse our newsletter archives
- From Pest To Guest
Learn how one NestWatcher transformed tiny “pests” into welcomed guests in this month’s blog post.
- Watch Out for Spring Wreath Nests
If you don’t want a bird’s nest on your front door, consider placing your spring wreath off to the side.
- Amazing Arkansas Effort
This month we uploaded 706 nest records from the Bella Vista Bluebird Society in Arkansas.
- Nest Box Plan Upgrade
We’ve recently updated the nest box plan for five species that can use the same size box.
- Our Annual Report is Here
The NestWatch Digest for the 2021 nesting season is now available!
- Read Our Statement on Avian Influenza
Learn about what you should do if you find a sick or dead bird, plus check out important resources.
- Welcoming A New Chapter
Our newest NestWatch Chapter is Norman Bird Sanctuary, from Middletown, RI!
- In Case You Missed It
Our yearly NestWatch Digest is now available!
- NestWatchers Inform Study On Nutrition
Learn how climate change, omega-3s, and insects are affecting birds during the breeding season in our latest blog post.