Jeff Wade
Chicago, IL, United States
(NOTE: I hope this is not cropped as it appears in the above thumbnail…interesting parts cut off! Grrrr…) On May 27, 2016, I put up my FIRST Bluebird box adjacent to a cemetery in Chicago, IL. Amazingly enough, within DAYS, the female was building a nest! On or about July 11, at least two (and perhaps three) fledglings left the nest. That afternoon, the female, who had just returned from feeding the young in the box, perched on the sign pictured here (I hope). This was a distinct departure in routine for her–to dally in the area for so long and in a new location. She remained there for nearly 10 minutes, calling.
Click on the photo to see it without the caption.
4 Bluebirds in my backyard. Lived here in Glenview for 12 years and never seen any before today