Kelleigh Farr
Lower Truro, NS, Canada
This is a American Crow fledgling that fledged just the other day. It has been getting close to my nest box that a pair of Tree Swallows are using. The Swallows try to fly on or in the nest box; but the presence of the Crow makes them not go in. When the Crow isn’t present, they will add some feathers and the female will incubate her eggs.
Just wondering if the Crow keeps on coming by if it will scare the Swallows off.
Also wondering if I mow the lawn if it will scare the Swallows off as well.
It really is! I love an opportunity like this to get close to a larger bird!
Did it fly away?
Sorry I took so long to respond, I got a little busy lol. Anyway, he just was able to fly efficiently today.
My birds have gotten used to the lawn mower and sometimes even go to the feeder while we are mowing. I’d say it depends on if your birds are used to you and the mower. I would not mow near the nest boxes.
Thanks for the info! I figured that was the case; just wanted to make sure. The nest box is about 22ft away from where I mow, so that should be fine.
You could pull the grass with your hands near the nestbox.