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Texas Bird Family

Katy, TX, USA


I was walking near the trees at a park looking for early Northern Mockingbird nests when I saw a Killdeer not flying away and calling while making the broken wing display. I took a step closer and the Killdeer called very loudly and I saw a Killdeer nest with a single egg. I took a few quick photos and then left as to not disturb her.


First Nest Of The Season–Killdeer Nest

Female Killdeer making broken wing display while calling. This one was defending her nest more than the other Killdeer nests I've seen. I made my visit very brief so as to not disturb her.

6 responses to “First Nest of The Season–Killdeer Nest”

  1. Caleb Koser says:

    Our first nest of the season is the bluebird pair in the box. I checked around 6 PM EDT, 3.14.23 and had some nest materials in the box.

  2. Lynette Weems says:

    I live in Pensacola, Florida and we had one at the cemetery on Mother’s Day sitting on 4 beautiful eggs. Wish I could add a picture and video

  3. Marianna McCoy says:

    Just spotted a Kildeer in Interlochen,Michigan

  4. Kristi Miller says:

    Saw a Killdeer nest in Pelham Alabama at a wedding venue. My very first encounter. Four beautiful eggs and a momma leading us away with her fake injury! Gotta love nature!

  5. dayna says:

    found a nest in spokane washington near a football field

  6. Tiffany says:

    I have a killdeer nest in my driveway on the side first one of the season in honor Michigan

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