Carol Johnston
Wilburton, Latimer County, OK, United States
My first pair of Canada Geese to choose our little island in our pond for nesting. I named them Lucy and Desi. It has been a joy to watch them from the beginning in their building of the nest, laying of the eggs, guarding the nest, and tenderly sitting on the eggs and covering them with down. Today is the big day! I saw two little heads when Lucy stood up and she called Desi to come look. He is proudly standing on the island by her side. She is still sitting, so there must be more to hatch. They are so proud and I’m proud too! I am so fortunate to be able to see them clearly through my binoculars out my patio doors.
Species: Canada Goose
I enjoy your site and I’m proud to be a participant in Nest Watch this year.
I’ve just shared this on my facebook page. I did it to share and spread the word about the site as it’s a wonderful site to learn about our feathered friends and the ways we can help them. I also wanted to remind everybody about taking part in the breast cancer fight all year long.