Ilinca Harja Iliescu
Bucharest, Romania
Do you now what bird is this? Sorry for the photo, the bird flew right away…Its flight was very heavy and silent, the plumage was mostly gray with white stripes on the back and primaries, too ( seen from flight only ) and the head was black with white dots… I’ve never seen such a bird in my garden.
Go to:
And hit either the button that says “get instant ID help” or the button that says “try Merlin.”
I’ve already tried, but it didn’t find anything about the size and color of this bird…
Can it be a fledgling?
Maybe an Owl? Do you have any idea of what family this bird is in? Also the size and behavior would help a ton. Heres a list of birds in Romania:
I think that could be a Black-winged Kite.
Sorry, that’s just a guess. I don’t specialize in birds of Romania.
Hi Ilinca, This is a tough one. Merlin also has an app, you can download it here. Answer five simple questions to get a list of possible species, or you can upload your photo and it will offer a list of possible species. I gave it a try and it came up with a White Wagtail, which can be a bit variable in the amount of gray, white, and black plumage. Click on the link to see photo examples. You may want to try Merlin yourself, however, since you will be able to be more exact with your answers.
Maybe Black-winged Kite I don’t know about birds of Romania.
Was it a Raptor or a songbird? Try the Merlin app.