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Zachary Delmore
1200 East Big Intervale Road, Margaree Valley, NS, Canada
Nest is in evergreen tree (6-7ft high). May be an old one. No eggs.
Open cup nests
Nest ID needed.
Is that above or below it?
Could be a robin.
Maybe a mockingbird.
Cool nest!
Your also in canada. Both birds live there. As you go north , less birds. Mockingbird says year-round and robin says breeding.
What season is this? If it is non-breeding season, likely not a robin.
I’m in Texas and I’ve seen 4 mocker nests this year, so I know something about mockingbird nests and I do not think this is one
The nest is too small to be a robin and I have never seen a mockingbird here though there has been a few reports of one. It is still breeding season and the robin eggs from another nest on our property hatched.
The junco pair are nesting farther in the forest. Only Magnolia Warblers (and robins) have been seen near the nest.
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Is that above or below it?
Could be a robin.
Maybe a mockingbird.
Cool nest!
Your also in canada. Both birds live there. As you go north , less birds. Mockingbird says year-round and robin says breeding.
What season is this? If it is non-breeding season, likely not a robin.
I’m in Texas and I’ve seen 4 mocker nests this year, so I know something about mockingbird nests and I do not think this is one
The nest is too small to be a robin and I have never seen a mockingbird here though there has been a few reports of one.
It is still breeding season and the robin eggs from another nest on our property hatched.
The junco pair are nesting farther in the forest. Only Magnolia Warblers (and robins) have been seen near the nest.