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Zachary Delmore

1200 East Big Intervale Road, Margaree Valley, NS, Canada


Nest is in evergreen tree (6-7ft high). May be an old one. No eggs.


Open cup nests

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Nest ID Needed

Nest ID needed.

9 responses to “Nest ID needed”

  1. Caleb Koser says:

    Is that above or below it?

  2. Caleb Koser says:

    Could be a robin.

  3. Caleb Koser says:

    Maybe a mockingbird.

  4. Caleb Koser says:

    Cool nest!

  5. Caleb Koser says:

    Your also in canada. Both birds live there. As you go north , less birds. Mockingbird says year-round and robin says breeding.

  6. Caleb Koser says:

    What season is this? If it is non-breeding season, likely not a robin.

  7. Texas Bird Family says:

    I’m in Texas and I’ve seen 4 mocker nests this year, so I know something about mockingbird nests and I do not think this is one

  8. The nest is too small to be a robin and I have never seen a mockingbird here though there has been a few reports of one.
    It is still breeding season and the robin eggs from another nest on our property hatched.

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